- neckpain
- headache
- scoliosis
- pain in the hip
- tennis elbow
- low back pain
- herniated disc
- knee problems
- muscle strain
- heel pain
- shoulder pain
Visceral Therapy Visceral manual therapy is a form of manual therapy that focuses on the internal organs(viscera) of the body, such as the liver, stomach, and intestines. The therapy is based on the idea that the organs of the body are not separate entities, but rather interconnected and function as a whole. The human body is a rather complex system with many interconnected subsystems, all working together. When one of those systems is compromised in anyway, the body compensates. Inflammation from illness or trauma can thicken and tighten the fascial network that supports nearby organs. Following surgeries as the scars heal the connective tissue supporting the skin can start to bind with deeper tissues, creating restrictions. It is usually said that everything that has happened in our lives—injuries, diseases, stressors, etc.—is recorded in our tissues.Tissues do remember everything.

What is Visceral ManipulationTherapy?
Healthy connective tissue however should move easily to allow organs to slide on each other when you rotate or flex your torso. Congested or inflamed connective tissue impedes these small but significant movements. This creates visceral discomfort and dysfunction and can lead to restricted movement and pain in other parts of the body. Restricted fascia around liver can lead to right shoulder pain for example.
How does visceral manipulation work and what it feels like?
During visceral manualtherapy, a therapist uses hands-on techniques to manipulate the organs' fascia and surrounding soft tissues in order to improve their function and mobility.Visceral manipulation is a gentle compression that can feel like a stretch or mild pressure in the abdomen. This stretching and compression may result in some mild warmth or tingling to the area due to increased blood flow. The ultimate goal of this therapy is to promote healthy movement and circulation within the organs, aswell as to address any restrictions or adhesions.
What does visceral manual therapy treat?
Visceral manual therapy is used to treat a wide range of conditions related to the internal organs and surrounding tissues of the body.
- Digestive disorders: Visceral manual therapy can help to improve the function of the digestive organs, such as the stomach and intestines, and can be effective in treating conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, and acid reflux.
- Pelvic pain and dysfunction: Visceral manualtherapy can be used to addressimbalances and restrictions in thepelvicarea, whichcanhelptoalleviatepain and improvefunction in conditionssuchaspelvicfloordysfunction and endometriosis.
- Chronicpain: Visceralmanualtherapycan be effective in treatingchronicpainconditions, suchasfibromyalgia, byaddressingimbalances and restrictions in theconnectivetissuessurroundingtheorgans.
- Respiratoryissues: Visceralmanualtherapycanhelptoimprovethefunction of therespiratoryorgans, suchasthelungs and diaphragm, and can be effective in treatingconditionssuchasasthma and chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease (COPD).
- Post-surgicalrecovery: Visceralmanualtherapycan be usedtohelpimprovemobility and function in theorgans and surroundingtissuesaftersurgery, and can be effective in reducingscartissueformation and promotinghealing.